- self-discovery and reflection: sensing and feedback for yourself; can we change our behavior? persuasive technology
- sensors that can record human activity and internal processes; new feedback modalities like wearable screens
- how can we build new sensing systems? more effective ways to visualize/communicate feedback
- effort, aesthetics and playfulness, individual vs. family
- ubifit (fitness); sense activities that increase heart-rate; wearable sensor plus cell phone wallpaper display; garden blooms as you are more active; butterflies are meeting goals; reset after 7 days, keep butterflies; folks with glance-able display sustained activity; those without declined
- ubigreen (personal transportation); sense types of transportation; represent transportation type, amount of activity, and outcome categories; reset every 7 days, no persistance; same results as fit
- reflect2O (home water usage); one sensor that figures out usage per fixture/valve, real-time, continuous screen-based feedback; looked at both abstract and concrete feedback representations;
- time-series displays (daily and seasonal variation); individual comparison; fun/abstract/playfull
- findings: competition vs cooperation; gamification can be fun, but also distracting; educational, but may reward suboptimal behaviors; how available/accessible, ubiquitous or invasive
- goal: provide personal sensing and feedback to improve ourselves
Opportunities for Behavior Change with Sensing and Persuasive Design (Jon Froehlich) #hcil
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